Thursday, December 6, 2012

Wild Wyoming Presentation

Stuart Garbett recounted his adventures in Yellowstone National Park and the Grand Teton National Forest in Wyoming. He got some excellent pictures of buffalo, grizzly bears, wolves, and coyotes during his hikes. He highly recommended for fellow students to look for jobs in out of the way places to be able to experience the outdoors. Thanks Stuart!

For some reason people still wanted to sit towards the back!

Here are two of Stuart's favorite pictures.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Oak Road Cleanup


Thanks to everyone who participated in the Oak Road cleanup today. It's amazing what people throw out. It's great to make the Michaux State Forest a cleaner, more natural place.
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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Forestry Club Minutes

Tuesday, November 27

Upcoming dates to remember:

Friday, November 30th Oak Road Clean-up at 2:30pm
Meet at the base of Oak Road.

Potential hike on Sunday, December 2

There will be a talk on Yellow Stone in the auditorium on Wednesday, December 5th at 7:30.

On Friday, December 7 at 1:00-4:30 we will be cleaning the Eco park. This will be followed by dinner!

Forestry Club Secretary,
Ethan Mansfield

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Forestry Club Minutes

Forestry Club events from today's meeting.
The next forestry club meeting will be on Tuesday November 27th at noon.

The Cub Scout tree walk was a success thanks to Tosh teaching the scouts on Sunday October 21st.

This Sunday November 11th, we will be cleaning up Rattlesnake Run Road at 1:00pm.

On Thursday November 29th, Stewart will be speaking in the library at 7:00pm on Yellow Stone.

The club will be having an Oak Road clean-up on November 30th starting at 2:30pm. Following this will be pizza at 4:00pm.

On Sunday December 2nd, the club will be having a hike followed by food.

On Friday December 7th the Franklin County Extension Office and Bureau of Forestry are cleaning up the Eco Park at 1:00pm. We need help to cut and clear tree debris.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Forestry Club Minutes

Thank you for all who attended yesterday's meeting.
The next meeting will be held Tuesday, November 6th at 5 PM.
Many things were discussed for those who missed out.
This Sunday, October 21st at Mont Alto Park we will be helping cub scouts learn trees for a merit badge.
If anyone is interested please let myself or Maddie know.
Next Tuesday, October 23rd there is a Keystone Society of American Foresters meeting being held on campus.
This event will be at 7 PM. There will be a Gamebird Biologist speaking and this event is highly recommended
for all freshman in the club.
Also next week on Thursday, October 25th Dr.Brantley will be speaking in Gettysburg on the various types of trees
and shrubs located on the battlefield.
Planning ahead, we have Oak Road clean-up on November 30th. Please come help keep your local community clean.
Forestry Club Seretary
Ethan Mansfield

Monday, October 22, 2012

Working with Cub Scouts on Forestry

This past Sunday the Penn State Mont Alto Forestry club worked with a Webelos Cub Scout pack on their Forester activity. Meeting at the pavilion at Mont Alto State Park we discussed the importance of forests for conservation. Then we had a tree walk to identify six tree species and other plants, including pines, oaks, and sassafras. We certainly had a chance to identify poison ivy! The park is full of it.

It was a great day to enjoy the outdoors and our beautiful state parks. I think the seven Cub Scouts and their parents had a great time. Thanks to Tosh Rung for sharing his tree knowledge.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

October 1 meeting minutes

Thanks all for who attended the meeting today-sorry about the late notice.  Next meeting will be in two weeks, Tuesday at 5PM in Wiestling.  If anyone has major problems with this date, please email me.

Some of the topics we covered today at the meeting are as follows below:

Sunday, October 21st-
A scout troop from Mechanicsburg, PA  is looking for help in forestry information, just some basic information.  We were thinking of meeting at Mont Alto Park.  If anyone is interested in helping out, please email Dr. Linehan for details.

Tuesday, October 23 at 7PM-
Keystone Chapter of the SAF is having a meeting on pheasant reintroduction... Mr. Houghton will be sending out an email with details soon, if you are interested in attending.  It's a good time and always great to meet the older SAF members... they have tons of information to share!!

Thursday, October 25th at 7PM-
Dr. Brantley is giving a talk in Gettysburg.  As of now the date is TENATIVE.  Please email Dr. Brantley for more details...

Saturday October 27th:
Tree planting project! Again, email Dr. Brantley for more details if you are interested in helping!

Oak Road Cleanup!
Tenative date of November 30th for the cleanup!  It's something the forestry club has always done in the past and we would love to have people come out and support the forestry club!

So far, we have a tenative date of October 16th for a hike! We were thinking only a couple of hours, and then having dinner afterwards.  We suggested chimney rock- if anyone has other ideas, PLEASE speak up! We're always open to suggestions! Say something to either me or Stuart about hiking suggestions.  We would like to do an overnight hike in November... we'll have more details at the next meeting!

Ok! So I know that was a lot of information... please email with questions if there are any.  Next meeting October 16th at 5PM!

Maddie Erickson
Forestry Club President

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Snakes in a Forest

P091312_2029.jpg by P_Linehan
P091312_2029.jpg, a photo by P_Linehan on Flickr.

Last Thursday the forestry club attended the Cumberland Woodland Owners Association meeting in Carlisle. The topic was timber rattlers in the Pennsylvania forests. Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) Wildlife Biologist, Aura Stauffer, and Forester, Mike Wright discussed research work to find out how many snakes are left and what they need to survive. Timber rattlers are surprisingly gentle and fragile. They need a good hibernacula for the winter and an undisturbed habitat. They are great at controlling the populations of rodents, which can carry diseases, in the forest. We also got to meet this young rattler, who made himself heard throughout the presentation. I sat next to Andy Reed, who was a little skeptical about rattlers at first, but seemed to warm up towards them a little, by the end of the evening!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Return of "Sunshine"

Penn State Mont Alto alum Paul Shogren visited the campus this past week. He talked to students about life at Mont Alto in 1947 during his freshman year at Penn State. Paul subsequently served in the Korean Conflict. His first forestry job was at Mount Hood in Oregon, working for the Forest Service. This was particularly interesting for Maddie Erickson, who will be doing an internship in Oregon, near Mount Hood, this coming summer.

See pictures from Paul's previous visit here.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Klondike Derby 2012

This year there was no snow, but it was definitely chilly at the Klondike Derby at Camp Hidden Valley in Loysville. This year four Mont Alto forestry students volunteered to run a tree identification station for the Boy Scouts. 

James Baigmoradi explaining the rules.

Kurt Sherrard with one patrol.

James, Andrew, Kurt, and Adam

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