Saturday, May 10, 2014

Oak Road Cleanup 2014

This year we did the Oak Road cleanup during Finals Week. It was a good diversion. It seemed like there was less trash this year than in previous years. At least there were no beds or other furniture! Progress!

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Forestry Club Meeting - March 19

At the Forestry Club meeting on March 19, future Forestry Club events were planned.  The following was discussed at the meeting:

- The Quincy Village Gardens are planned for 8:00 A.M. on Friday, April 11.  This will involve delivering planting mix for the raised bed that we will make.

- The Oak Road clean-up will occur during finals week.  Exact dates and times will be made at a later date.

- The stream planting along the commuter parking lot is hesitantly set for April 25 or 26 at 8:00 A.M.  A soils test and confirmation of funds must be done first.

- On Thursday, March 27, there will be speeches on Joseph Rothrock, the founder of the Pennsylvania Forest Academy.  It will be at 7:00 P.M. in the auditorium.  More information will be given the week of the speeches.

- On April 26, there will be a tree planting at Wilson College in Chambersburg.  This is an opportunity for the Penn State Mont Alto Forestry Club to have public exposure.  We may be doing fundraising at this event.

- An interesting subject was brought up by the professors.  On Forest Business Network website, one can sign up for emails concerning the forestry industry. 

Thanks for all who attended the meeting.  Thank you Coby for bringing the donuts.  The next meeting is scheduled for April 16 at 8:00 A.M. in Wiestling.

Aaron Lewis

Monday, March 17, 2014

Forestry Club Meeting - February 26, 2014

Even with the meeting starting at 8:00 A.M., the meeting was quite a success.  We talked about many things that the Forestry Club will do this semester.

-The vice-president position needed to be filled.  At this meeting, Alex Storm was nominated, and voted on as vice-president.

-We still need to do the annual Oak Road cleanup.  We decide to discuss this at the next meeting, after spring break.  There cannot be any snow to do the cleanup.

-We would like to plant trees by the stream that runs though campus.  We decided that they should be native plants.  Possible dates are Arbor Day (April 25) or Earth Day (April 22).  More details will be discussed at the next meeting.

-This for all students available after graduation.  TWEP and Pheasants Forever would like to have the Forestry Club have a demo day in Mercersburg.  We would use and teach people how to use basic measuring tools like d-tapes and Biltmore sticks.  This would be on Saturday, May 17.  More information will be available to all who are interested.

-The South Mountain Speaker series will have the Pennsylvania Forest Association speak in the auditorium on March 27, beginning at 7:00 P.M.  There will be several speakers, and the theme will be "Joseph Rothrock:  Past and Present Pennsylvania's Woods."  Please try to attend.

-Alex Storm, Ethan Mansfield, Coby Salmon, Ben Stephy, and Aaron Lewis attended the SAF meeting in Williamsport.  They each discussed some of the things that they learned from the speakers at the meeting.  This included emerald ash borer, hemlock wooly adelgid, and the effect of Marcellus shale drilling.

Thank you to all who came to the meeting.  The next meeting is scheduled for March 19 at 8:00 A.M. in Wiestling. 

-Aaron Lewis

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Come to the Food Security Strategies for Smallholder Farmers in Southeast Asia Preentation

The Forestry Club is sponsoring a presentation by Jennie Diehl, a Mont Alto alum and horticulture student at Penn State on her recent trip to Thailand and Cambodia.

It will be on Saturday, February 15 at 11AM in the General Studies Auditorium.
In developing nations issues of food security and farming are very strongly linked to forestry and conservation.

Refreshments will be served after the presentation. Check out the flyer.